(powered by ClariFI-360)

The Claritas Consulting Group helps clients overcome the challenges of analyzing healthcare spend, controlling costs, and developing solutions that add value for their plan members. We do this by unbundling healthcare and prescription insurance services to provide a granular view into plan spend. Our ClariFI-360 analytical model ensures full transparency in our commitment to providing cost-effective and sustainable health insurance strategies.

By offering access to third-party administrators, prescription claim processors, and rebate aggregators, we eliminate conflicts of interest inherent to bundled plan models, and our pass-through plan pricing solutions and direct relationships foster accountability and transparency.

Transparency is the cornerstone of the Claritas Consulting Group. Transparency is crucial because it enables our clients to understand how their medical and prescription benefits are managed and the financial incentives driving their current plan. With more transparency, clients can identify potential conflicts of interest and ensure that insurers are acting in the best interests of the employer and plan members.